I was "tagged" twice to do this fun, Christmas questionaire. So either my friends Dawn and Beth really want to know some fun facts about how I celebrate Christmas or they were giving me the kick in the rear I needed to finally post something!
1. Egg nog or Hot Chocolate? Definately hot chocolate!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? We don't do Santa at our house. We want to be sure that we are telling our kids the truth and that we are celebrating the real reason for the season. If our children are to believe in a man that they cannot see, I want it to be Jesus! However, we told Anagrace that people like to "pretend" about Santa at Christmastime and she said she wants to pretend, too. Pretending is fun and that is fine with us! But the presents are from mommy and daddy. We get the credit for that! And we (and by we I mean I) wrap them; it is just more fun to unwrap a gift, I think!
3. Colored lights or white?White.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Sometimes, I didn't find it in the boxes of decorations this year. Our decorations are simpler this year than in years past. Three children will do that....so, yeah, not hanging mistletoe is probably a good thing right now!
5. When do you put your decorations up?The Saturday after Thanksgiving
6. Favorite holiday dish?Hmmm, I like the sweet stuff. Sweet potato casserole and any dessert!
7. Favorite childhood memory? Celebrating Christmas at Disney World with my dad.
8. When/how did you learn the truth about Santa? Some little boy at school told me, in the second or third grade.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? No, that's cheating!
10. How do you decorate the tree? We bought an artificial last year. It is one of those tall, skinny "pencil" trees. It is pre-lit (what a blessing). We put on the red wooden bead garland first. Then add our ornaments, which are a mixture of some from my childhood, some from our first year of marriage, and all of the "baby's first" ornaments.
11. Snow. Love it or dread it? Love it. I really hope I get to go skiing this year.
12. Can you ice skate? Kind of.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Yes, my engagement ring! Justin proposed Christmas of 1999.
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Celebrating the birth of our Savior with my husband and children!
15. Favorite holiday dessert? Tough choice, I love them all. I miss the spritzer sugar cookies my grandmother used to make. I make fudge every year.
16. Favorite Christmas Tradition?We started a couple of traditions with Anagrace that will be fun with all of the kids in the future. We read the Christmas story and set up our nativity scene on the mantle. And we bake a birthday cakefor Jesus on Christmas Eve to eat on Christmas morning...there is no other day of the year that cake is allowed for breakfast!
18. Do you prefer giving or receiving?I like both. Finances and indecisiveness cause some stress with giving, but I still enjoy it. And who doesn't enjoy receiving?
19. Favorite Christmas song? I'm not sure of the title, "Night Divine" maybe. It's the one that says "fall on your knees and hear the angels' voices, oh night divine, when Christ was born"
20. Candy canes. Yum or yuck? I'll eat them occasionally. It depends on my mood.
21. What do you want for Christmas?This is just a want in general, I know I can't get it for Christmas...I really want to close in our screened porch and make it a playroom.
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party? Yes, we attend Justin's company Christmas party.
23. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear P.J.'s? This year we will dress up because we will attend Elevation's Christmas Service.
24. Do you own a Santa hat? I don't. Anagrace has one.
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? Most of our family live close. So over the course of the weekend, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we see parents, grandparents, brothers, aunts, uncles , cousins, neices,nephews, ...
I'm going to break the rules and not tag anyone. Instead, I'll invite anyone out there who wants to participate to post this on their blog! Let me know if you do! Merry Christmas!