Family pic

Family pic

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Warning...This post contains excessive whining!

Feeling miserably huge and uncomfortably hot. Nothing fits...growing out of maternity clothes. Tired, but can't sleep because of frequent urination, night sweats and awkward sleeping positions. Body aches. Ready to get this over with! Less than two weeks to go...really nervous about adding a third child to our family!


farmersdaughter4ever said...

You are going to do great w/ 3 kids!...I understand the worry, but I know you will be fine....

I hope these last few days go quickly for you and that Justin is calling us soon to let us know he's here!...I'll be thinking about you!...keep us posted and let me know if I can do anything!

Susan said...

A little whining is expected at this stage of the game. I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable. Here's hoping the next two weeks will be bearable for you.

4torock said...

Your gonna do great with 3! Emma was born July 31st and I SOOO remember that summer and how hot and yucky I felt! I am praying for you and can't wait to see pics of new little man!

Lynn Savell said...

Oh, I remember those last few weeks! Hang in there Chelsea, it's almost over and ya'll will have a new miracle to hold and cherish.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should go jog around the block and try to pop him out early! I got Cole out 2 weeks early that way (well, ok, I didn't job around the block but I did walk around a fair all night!)!