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Family pic

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Process Begins...

We started the process to switch the kids' rooms today. We took everything off of the walls in both rooms and patched the holes. Justin started priming the striped wall in Anagrace's room. The stripes are pretty bold colors, so I think it will take several coats of primer. Her room has always been bright red and blue with pastel green and yellow because we did not find out if we were having a boy or girl when I was pregnant with her. My mom and I made curtains with gingham prints in all of the colors. She has also had an outdoor/bug themed room since she was a baby. She had pretty butterflies, ladybugs, and dragonflies on her wall. Cute little nic nacks filled shelves. Most things I had picked out before she was born. Now it is all packed up in a box, and I am a little sad. She is going to have a big girl room now. Anagrace is excited that her new room will be pink! And I am excited to decorate a really girly room with her, but at the same time I feel a twinge of sadness as we pack away her "nursery" things. My baby girl is not a baby anymore.

On top of those emotions, I am a little stressed at the mess and chaos that switching the rooms entails. It is not easy trying to have children live in rooms that we are re-doing! We plan to send them to visit with the grandparents for a few days or a weekend, so that we can paint the walls and try to get as much done without them here. Right now all of Anagrace's furniture is pushed to one side of her room. Stuff is in boxes and crammed in closets. Eventually it will all have to be swapped from one room to the other. We are not sure how long this whole process will take. We still have to paint and assemble the loft bed that Justin's father built for Anagrace and buy a new mattress for it. I need to go through toys to decide what we can donate. And I will definately have to figure out a plan to store and organize all of the toys, clothes, and stuff in both rooms. The boys' new room has a smaller closet and we will not have much room in there with 2 cribs, the changing table, rocker and one small dresser. Anagrace's new room has a larger closet, but the room is tiny. Her new loft bed is going to take up the majority of the wall/floor space in her room. I'll definately have to get creative with storage in both rooms!

I'll be glad when this process is over and I can look at and enjoy the fruits of our labor! I'll post the pictures of the finished rooms...but it may be a while!!


farmersdaughter4ever said...

I totally understand!...we aren't going to be switching rooms, both of our rooms are the same size! SMALL!lol. but we did just put Emma in a loft bed and Ian in a twin!...fitting a crib is going tough, we will have to put our heads together and get creative for our small spaces!....hope everything goes smoothly for y'all!

Lynn Savell said...

i love hgtv,and their storage solutions shows! maybe they can give some tips. i broke my r arm, so the storage solutions i need to do in my house will have to wait. lol

4torock said...

Poor thing! I can't wait to see pics-- your doing ALOT so give yourself a little time :) wink** easier said then done..... I know! :) take care!!
Kate :)

The Haiglers said...

It sounds like you're going to be busy for a while! By the way, did you notice I copied you count down to baby ticker! I thought that was a fun idea. Talk to you soon!

Welcome to Kimber's blog! said...

Awesome! Ilove your twirling baby in the womb count down graphic.
It love seeing your babies. It brings back such sweet memories of my own. Missed you last night. You all are just such a great part of our group. See you soon!