Family pic

Family pic

Friday, February 1, 2008

It Won't Be Long

Anderson is on his way to learning how to walk and talk! He has been pulling up to a standing position and cruising down the couch and between the couch and coffee table for a while. But now he has started practicing going back and forth in our living room using a little push toy. The push toy and a walker that my friend Amy let us borrow (thanks Amy!) is adding a whole new diminsion to his mobility. He doesn't bend his knees yet, so he walks rather stiffly.

He's also been babbling a lot lately. He only says "babababa" for now. But the "b" sound is made the same way as an "m" sound, they are both bilabial sounds except the "b" is a plosive. Probably only Erin understands that speech lingo, but the point is it should not take Anderson long to learn to say Mama instead of baba.

1 comment:

farmersdaughter4ever said...

I love when you post videos of Anderson!....they ALWAYS make me smile! He has been busy getting out of the way for the next one! lol!

love ya