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Family pic

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Girl or Boy?!

The ultrasound is scheduled for February 19th to found out if our third child is a boy or a girl. We already have one of each, so either way is fine with us. Having said that, some people have asked us if we will wait 'til the birth to find out......NO! We did wait to be surprised with our first child. The anticipation and then the excitement as "It's a girl!" was announced after she was born was wonderful. But, no, not this time. I really need to know this time. I was not prepared for this pregnancy, so I want to start planning for this baby to try and feel like I have some sort of handle on the situation. Not so much nesting as it is a need to feel in control. I will confess to you as I did at my small group last night, I have "control issues". So, there, we're finding out and the countdown is on!


Susan said...

i would not change the surprise of hearing "it's a girl" the first time around. it was such an awesome surprise. i definitely had to find out the second and third time for that same need of feeling in control - it made things easier once we found out (especially with Davis - after having 2 girls, I had to know for sure if it was a boy or girl) can't wait to hear if Anagrace and Anderson will have a brother or sister.

farmersdaughter4ever said...

I am still deciding if I'll find out this time, I keep playing w/ the idea of not finding out....I found out both times before...and I sorta would like the surprise!....but for now I can't wait to find out what your's is! will be FOREVER before it's my turn for an ultra-sound! I CAN'T WAIT! I'M SO EXCITED! :) It's fun being pregnant together!