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Family pic

Monday, February 18, 2008

Teething Bites

Anderson is apparently teething again. He has been a little fussier than usual and everything he picks up goes straight to his mouth. Some things he particularly enjoys chewing on and he will seek those items out around the house. He was digging through a drawer with various items that I use in the dryer, make-up, contact solution, lotions, etc. and found a new item to teethe on. It has a wonderful crackly wrapper and is the perfect shape to hold and chew . Of course, one day he is going to hate that I documented this in writing and by photo......


farmersdaughter4ever said...

that is so funny!....something he will hate for you to bring up later on I'm sure!

Patti's Chat said...

Your babies are so beautiful! So glad I can share in their growing up through your blog!