Family pic

Family pic

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Roomy Womb

I finally felt the baby kick 2 nights ago. I love that feeling, the feeling of my baby growing and moving inside me. I was not overly-concerned, but I was wondering why I hadn't felt movement before now.
Anagrace was the first resident of my uterus. She probably lived in pretty tight quarters, so I felt her move sooner. There was almost a 3 year vacancy period before Anderson, so I'm sure his home was quite cozy. I felt him move early on, too. But, this baby took up residence 5 months after Anderson vacated the premises. He is probably living in a much roomier womb than the previous 2 occupants. I picture him legs stretched out, hands behind his head, just chillin' saying "Ah, home sweet home" or maybe "Womb sweet womb"!
(I actually got to see him on a 4D ultrasound (it was so cool) and he was not stretched out as I pictured. I'm going to post some of those pictures as soon as I can figure out why my scanner is not working.)

1 comment:

Patti's Chat said...

What an adorable post. I love the way you described their home, its cozy cause their momma loves them and your sweet spirit resenates to them.
You're such a wonderful mommy!