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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Memo to Mommy

I really want to be a more patient mommy, a mommy that really listens, a mommy that sits and plays without thinking of other things I should be doing, a mommy that says "yes" to the fun stuff more often, a mommy that hugs more and yells less, a mommy that doesn't stress about the mess as much...the list could go on and on about the ways I could improve as a mother. Anagrace only has 6 full months and a few odd weeks before she starts kindergarten. I can't believe it! I want these last few months of her preschool years to be the best yet.

I read a page in Parents magazine called "Memo to Mommy" and loved what it said. It is posted on my fridge now to remind me of the kind of mommy I want to be. Here's what it says:

You have a lot of lessons to teach your little one, but he has a few words of wisdom for you too.

"Stop freaking out about the mess! There's always time to clean-but how often do we get to make mud pies?"

"Love me, even when I'm naughty. I'll only be this age once."

"Be patient. I do everything for a reason, but I don't know enough words yet to give you an explanation."

"Let me do it. I know you can do it faster and better, but sometimes experience is the best teacher."

"Don't expect too much of me. I want to do what you ask and make you happy, but I'm still little."

"Don't try to reason with me when I'm having a tantrum. Trust me-I can't hear you over my own screaming."

"Keep your promises. It's all about trust. When I'm a teenager, you'll understand why it's so important."

"Don't keep asking me if I've been good. I'm not even sure what that means, but if I was bad I'd never admit it!"

"Don't let me think that you're perfect. I feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one who makes mistakes."

"Set limits. I can't actually eat a whole box of cookies-I just want to see if I'd get away with it."

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow Chelsea! This post is almost identical to the one I have half written that I started last night. You captured my exact feelings! Here's hoping we can both accomplish this....