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Thursday, January 22, 2009

15 Random Things

My friend, Heather, tagged me on her blog to write a post about 15 random things about myself. I actually did a post like this last year, except it was only 7 things. So, I cheated. I am re-posting those 7 random facts about me plus 8 new one.

1. I can roll my tongue into 3 loops. (Ask me in person and I'll show you)

2. I don't wear flat shoes. The ballet flats and sneakers are so cute, but I won't wear them because they don't add any height to my 5 feet. even. self. Even my flip flops have a wedge to them.

3. I have been either pregnant or breastfeeding since August 2006! Can you say "whacked out hormones?!"

4. I can be creative. I don't do creative things very often, even though when I do I enjoy it. Actually, I was very artistic in high school. I considered majoring in art or interior design in college, but decided not to because I didn't think I was talented enough. I am hoping to take some classes one day just for fun.

5. Some of my favorite things:

color-yellow...just about the entire interior of my home is painted a buttercream yellow color, with the exception of the bedrooms and bathrooms.
food-warm, gooey brownies (with a big, cold cup of milk)
scent-Japanese Cherry Blossom from Bath and Body Works
TV show-LOST ...I've been an addict from day one
sound: Justin walking in the door from work (because I've missed him and because by that time the kids and I NEED him to be there!

6. I was named after the Joanie Mitchell song "Chelsea Morning". Hippie parents. Most people relate my name to the Clinton's daughter or a dog that they had, so I guess the Joanie Mitchell song isn't so bad.

7. I am super indecisive. I struggle with making simple decisions. About what to eat/cook...I can read a menu for an hour and I need to know exactly what my taste buds are in the mood for(that takes a while). About what to wear or what my children should wear...I have to check the weather channel and stare into the closet for an extended period of time. About what to buy...oh my, that's the worst. I go back and forth, should I or shouldn't I? Which leads into #8...

8. I always have a bag of something in my bedroom waiting to be returned to the store.

9. I turn 30 in a few days and it really is not bothering me. In college, thirty seemed so far away and I thought it was the official age of "old". Well, I am officially old...but I don't feel like it.

10. When we bought our home it was "ghet-to". I mean really bad. Magenta door and crown molding, industrial carpet squares just placed on top of flooring, wallpaper with buffalos on it, just plain ugly! We completely "gutted" the house and started over. I am quite proud of all the work we've done. We still have to finish the master bath and install over-the-counter kitchen cabinets. I'd also like to make our screen porch into a playroom. Then we're done!

11. I lived with my grandparents from 3rd grade through the 8th grade. They were such a good, positive, Christian influence in my life. I'm not sure where I'd be if it weren't for them. I am eternally grateful to them for their love and support and help in raising me!

12. I have never been much of a "reader". I have begun to really read since joining a "book club" with other ladies from our church. It has been such a blessing to me. I truly love each one of those ladies! Shout out to L7!

13. All 3 of my children's names start with "A". We did not intend for it to be that way. The first two are family names that we love and they happened to start with the same letter. Then with baby #3 we decided we should continue that "tradition". I was afraid he'd grow up with some sort of complex if he didn't have an "a" name!

14. I just had some bangs cut. I haven't had bangs since probably the 2nd grade. Actually, I don't know if these would qualify as bangs. Can you just have a bang (singular)?

15. I have a very contradictory personality. I was voted "Most Popular" in high school, but now I am kind of shy and have a small circle of close friends. I have a laid back demeanor and usually wait until the last minute to plan or execute a plan, but I crave organization and having things in their "correct place". I was a "tomboy" growing up; I climbed trees, built forts, caught bugs. I am somewhat of a girly-girl; I almost always wear make-up, love Vera Bradley and shoe shopping, don't get my hair wet when swimming. There are lots of elements of my personality that are contradictory. Maybe it stems from being indecisive?

So, there are 15 random things about me. I'm not sure who to if you would like to do this fun post, consider yourself tagged. And please leave me a comment so I'll know you did it, too!


Lynn Savell said...

very interesting Chelsea, I never would have figured some of that stuff out, evenin highschool

Ken, Amy, & Will (for now) said...

At least you had seven people you could tag! I enjoyed your things!!

Lynn Savell said...

I finally caught up on my blogging and did the 15 random things. It was harder to do than I thought it would be.