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Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Polite and Pleasant Princess

I had said a while back that I was going to blog about the "behavior system" we (meaning I (-:) put into place. A few months ago Anagrace began acting what we call "sassy". Sassy meaning she was talking back, using an inappropriate tone when speaking to us and stomping away when we would correct her. After constantly correcting her verbally, I made a visual behavior system using a chalkboard with a princess face on it. With each "sassy action" she is told to remove a pretty clothespin (that she decorated herself) from the princess board. As clothespins are removed, the princess's smile begins to turn downward. Also, as the clothespins are removed there are more consequences she receives from us. If she keeps all of her clothespins (we check it twice a day-after lunch and dinner) she gets a lot of verbal praise and a treat from the candy bowl. Since we put this into place, she has been a much more polite and pleasant princess to be around!

*Disclaimer: I did not write this blog for criticism in my parenting skills! I am sure that this may make some people cringe...Oh Well! It works for us! Just thought I'd offer it up in case anyone wanted to try something similar.


dawn said...

you go girl!!!! love it!! whatever works for you is what is the best!!! sounds good to me - i might have to implement this one! love the disclaimer!!!! i should attach that to mine as well! love you

Susan said...

What a great idea! I've been trying to figure out a visual system for the girls and the only one I could come up with is what they do in school (the stoplight), but the princess idea is great. Glad your system is working for you, that's all that really matters. (Love the disclaimer)

4torock said...

I LOVE IT!!- Now can u come up with something for my boys?!! LOL!!
Take care.....