Family pic

Family pic

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I missed it....AGAIN!

Anderson rolled over the first time on July 28th, and then again a few days ago. I missed seeing it for my own eyes both times because of laundry! Add "missing my son's milestone" to the list of reasons why I loathe... laundry. (What other household chore requires so much time...sorting, pretreating stains, washing, very occasionally ironing, folding, putting it away...and it is NEVER really done!?) Did I mention I loathe doing the laundry? Anyway, both times Anderson rolled from his back to his tummy after I placed him on his activity mat to do one of the many steps involved in the laundering process. He began to cry after rolling over, I guess it scared him and he wasn't really sure what had happened. When I checked on him and realized what had happened, I cried a little bit myself! I can't believe I missed it...twice! That makes me much do we as mothers miss because we are worried about things that in the "big scheme of things" don't really matter? Please tell me I am not a bad mommy, and that you other mothers sometimes stress more than you should about the things "undone"! I struggle with how I am going to get it all done and be a good mommy, too. I know that I cannot completely abondon the chore of laundry...the Prevette family would be one wrinkly, stained, stinky mess...but perhaps I should not let it bother me so much that the dirty clothes hampers are always full. It's just part of life...and life should be spent focusing on the things that really matter, like family. Next time I'm gonna see it!
Look in the background of the picture....a laundry basket!!!!!:-)

1 comment:

dawn said...

girlfriend... you are NOT a bad mommy! you are a wonderful mommy to A & A!!

i am soooo with you on this post. it is all about balance and not seeking perfection.

at the end of the day as long as the kids are smiling and you have made a lasting impression on their hearts by being there for them... who cares if the clothes are dirty!!!

somehow we as moms are way hard on ourselves. let's be accountable to each other to be easy on ourselves!

love ya friend!!!