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Monday, March 16, 2009

Would you Rather...

Back in the day, my friends and I would play the "would you rather". The choices were always difficult. (Compound that with the fact that I am super-indecisive and this game could take forever!) Well, I was on the elliptical at the gym tonight reading a Parents magazine and they had a poll with a "would you rather" question. I, of course, had a difficult time and pondered it while I ellipticized...or whatever you call it?! Now I pose the question to you. Come on bloggy friends, won't you play along?

Would you rather have MORE MONEY or MORE SLEEP?

By the way, the Parents magazine had the statistics at about 80% for more money and 20% for more sleep.


dawn said...

what a tough one...seeing as how i have four kids and sleep is not what it used to be esp. with a five month old, you would think i would pick sleep, but since my body is used to lack of sleep, i am choosing money. we could use some extra - who couldn't these days esp. with four kids and a new season of clothes to buy!!

4torock said...

ummmm SLEEP!! I am not getting any zzzzz's now with this baby-- So whats going to happen when he arrives!!! lol See ya- ur babies are getting soo big!

Anonymous said...

I'll play along with you Chels! Money for me, hands down. I can't complain too much about my sleep (sorry!), so it's a no brainer for me!

Susan said...

Wow! That's a tough one! Since I can't answer BOTH, and since I am utterly exhausted right now, I'm going to pick sleep!

Because of Love said...

$ - no doubt!

Kelly said...

MONEY! I'll hire someone to get up with Jack from 6:30 - 8:00. :-)

The Haiglers said...

I will say money, just because I get plenty of sleep. If you asked which you could take away, it might be tougher. I require all of my sleep.

Think Floral LLC said...

That is a no brainer for me - it is Spring season and the garden calls. Of course I need more money to play in the soil, discover new "must have" plants and build my raised garden so I can grow a bounty of fresh vegetables this summer!
One day your children will be teens and you will get lots of sleep! Love, Ant Debby