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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom

Okay, I'm feeling a little guilty and think I should confess a few things:

I watched the final 3 episodes of this season's Bachelor. There was a time in college that I watched a couple of seasons, but not since. That's a pretty funny sentence in itself. It seems that a lot of confessions start out with "There was that one time in college..." At least this one was only about a reality TV show! I don't generally like shows that manipulate peoples' emotions and portray their heartache for the whole world to see. I hate those talk shows that the hosts pretend to really care about a child's paternity or why the spouse cheated with the best friend. But, I sat in front of my TV and watched the finale and "after the rose" show in which the bachelor dumped a girl and proposed to the other, then on the next show dumped the fiance and asked the other to start a relationship. It was a train wreck, I knew I shouldn't look but I just couldn't help it!

Last week I tore a picture out of a magazine from Wal-Mart because I did not want to buy the whole thing. It was $8 for a magazine of hairstyles! I didn't want all of the hairstyle pictures, just one. I thought about buying the magazine and then returning it after showing the picture to my hairstylist, but I thought that was too tacky. So, instead I just ripped out the little 2x2 inch photo. Not good, I know.

Laundry is overtaking our house. I feel like I cannot keep my head above the sea of clothes. I have tried and tried to get a good routine, but have failed each time. Okay, here's the big confession. I have used a "wash, dry, fold" service 3 times in our marriage because it has been such a mom has taken some of the kids' clothes to wash for me on several occasions. I am trying very hard to get this clothes situation under control, but I may have to rely on some "old friends" for help!

Well, I feel a little better now that I got those things off my chest! Gotta go so I can start a load of laundry and wash my pretty new hair-do before the Bachelor-After the Final Rose Part Two comes on!

1 comment:

Because of Love said...

Thank you for stopping by and for your comment. I have heard your name before. Please do come and find me and introduce yourself! Love to meet another Elevation mom and fellow blogger. I am usually at both Prov and Butler every Sunday.

I loved reading your profile!

Also cracked up laughing when I read about the magazine! Ha!

And as I type Jason is talking in the background.