Family pic

Family pic

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today was absolutely beautiful. The weather could not have been better. Justin dropped me off at our small group leaders' house after church, lunch, and a few hours enjoying the beautiful day with the family at the McMullen Creek Greenway. It was a ladies only small group gathering this week. The men were on "daddy duty". We sat out at a picnic table by Lake Wylie. Great view. Great weather. Great conversation. And the beginning of great friendships. Could it get any better?
After praying with the group, I started walking home. Their house is only a few miles from ours and even closer if you take a shortcut on the golf cart path. I was only a few yards from thier house when a black lab with a Mickey Mouse collar started to follow me. She followed me to the end of their road before I turned around to see if any of the people out on their street (which were a lot due to the lovely weather) knew who owned the friendly pup. No one knew. One boy on a bike said that the dog just showed up at the park. So, I continued on my way, thinking that the dog would eventually quit following and head home herself. But, that dog followed me all the way home. I did not say one word to her or show any kind of affection, but she insisted on staying by my side. I put her in our fenced-in back yard and was planning to take her picture and post some "Found" posters. Then Justin suggested I call the non-emergency line to the police department. I felt silly calling the police department to tell them about our situation, but once I began to explain the man on the other end asked "Is it a black lab?". Before we knew it a lady was at our house picking up the sweet dog she called Lucy. She said her children had been walking the neighborhood and golf course for hours looking for their dog. Lucy was a good ways from home, a lot further than we walked together. Lucy's "mom" was so grateful and they were so happy to see eachother. It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful day.

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