Family pic

Family pic

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The small things

This is a picture of my sweet kitty, Noel. We've had Noel for almost 7 years. We "rescued" Noel and her brother, Nicky, from a life of homelessness 5 months before Justin and I got married. A stray cat had a litter of kittens under Justin's parents' house. Nick and Noel were the only 2 kittens that would get close enough for us to pet them. Being the animal lover that I am I convinced Justin and his parents to keep the kittens in their home until Justin and I moved into our house. I love my kitties. (However, they do have some annoying habits. Like in this picture Noel is laying on the book that I was attempting to read...which she does ALL THE TIME.)

Last week we couldn't find Noel anywhere in the house. The cats are strictly indoor felines, so I knew she must have slipped out the door at some point in the day as our family was going in and out. I could not remember what time it was that I saw her last. I was guessing it was around 10 in the morning, but we didn't realize she was missing until dinnertime. I was in a panic. She has never been outside for that long. I went into the "ugly cry". You know the one where your face is a wreck and your body shakes as you sob. I haven't done that in quite some time. I made signs to post around the neighborhood. When Justin went to hang the signs, I began to pray. At first, I felt kind of silly "bothering" God about my missing cat. But, you know God cares about the small things, too. He cares that I can't find the cat that I love very much because He loves me. What a comfort to know that problems that seem big for me are small to God...not insignificant,but small in comparison to everything else He deals with.

(I am so thankful God answered my prayer, however small it may have seemed. Noel was in the far corner under our back deck in the fenced-in back yard with our dog. Don't think she'll be sneaking out anytime soon! Now I have to get back to my book...if she will remove herself from it!)

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