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Friday, October 5, 2007

Coincidence...I think not

After my post about God caring about the small problems in our life that seem big to us, I began reading in my book The Mom Walk. (By the way, it is a great book by Sally Clarkson for any mommies out there looking for something to read and ponder. Check out the link on the side.) Anyway after removing the cat, I began reading and the story about a dream the author had that completely coincided with my last post. It was like a "smile from God". He does care!

Here's a little snippet of what I read:

As I reflected on this dream, I understood that in God's perspective, my life looked totally different than it did to me from my perspective. My perspective is so limited and finite. The details and worries of my life seem to loom so large in my days, casting their shadows over my thoughts and my feelings about life.
But my dream helped me to realize that even the hardest situations to me are simple to God. From His eternal perspective, they are so small. They are not unimportant in the sense that they don't affect my life, but they are small matters for Him to take care of if I will just choose to trust Him. I f I will choose to look beyond them to His vast power and beauty overcoming every darkness and trouble, I will be able to live in strength and peace, knowing that all will be well.

Wow, Sally said it much better than I did!

That passage just spoke to my heart...especially since I was pondering the same thoughts earlier that day. I'm so glad that I can take all my troubles to Him, whether it's a lost cat, a whiney 4 year-old, a baby who is yet again not sleeping through the night or the other stressful aspects of my life and He is more than willing and able to help me.


farmersdaughter4ever said...

YOU are so right!'s so funny, I have been struggling w/ the exact same thing...thanks for the thought!

Susan said...

I think we all stuggle with the little stuff (well, at least I do). And sometimes I feel silly bringing up those small issues in prayer, but you are right in that God cares even about the small stuff (and in the grand scheme of things, isn't it all small stuff?) Thanks for the reminder (and I'm glad you found Noel)!

Ken, Amy, & Will (for now) said...

So true! Thanks Chelsea!