Family pic

Family pic

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Latest on Anderson

Anderson will be 6 months old on November 1st! Here are a few new things that he's doing:

1. Sitting in his Bumbo seat (Thanks for letting us borrow it, Beth!)

Yeah, I thought my son was a gifted escape artist....then I realized there was a recall on the seats. He enjoys sitting in the Bumbo, but if there is a toy in his line of vision...he's outta there. So, I have to watch carefully so that his escape doesn't injure his noggin!

2. Eating...ALOT!

Anderson really enjoys his food! He is eating 3 meals a day, usually 2 jars each meal! He especially enjoys "gumming" biter biscuits.
I guess he needs extra calories for all the energy he is expending, which leads me to...

3. Anderson scoots around on his belly, kind of like an army soldier. Watch the video and see for yourself.

I thought it was funny to note what Anderson was in a hurry to get his hands on...I guess the male's facination with the remote control starts early.


4torock said...

C- He is soo cute- 6 months allready WOW!! Cute pics!! Hope all is going great!! :)

Ken, Amy, & Will (for now) said...

sooo cute! i can't believe how big he's getting! that just shows we must get together more!