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Friday, November 20, 2009

Homeschool Journey

It's funny how when mommies start friendships eventually we share our "birth stories" (or at least that's been the case with me). Well I have met a group of some new friends and we not only share the commonality of motherhood, but also the commonality of homeschooling. So, when 3 of us were hanging out a few weeks ago we shared our "homeschool stories" with eachother. I shared our homeschool story here in case you missed it.

So, we're about 3 months into our homeschool journey now. I get the question often "How's homeschooling?". I usually give a pretty short answer, especially if the person asking isn't a homeschooler too. I guess I still fear that I am being judged or possibly that the person asking thinks they are being judged by me. But I know in my heart that we made the best decision for our family, and I know that is all that truly matters. Anagrace is doing great! Most days she really enjoys the schoolwork. Honestly, I think she loves the focused attention on her that schooling requires. After Ashton was born, most of my attention was focused on caring for the 2 boys. I knowingly or unknowingly expected Anagrace, being the oldest, to be as independent as possible. Homeschooling has given me and Anagrace the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time together and it has done wonders for our relationship. I think that is what I am the most excited about with our journey so far.

Overall, homeschooling is going great and I am so grateful for the opportunity. Sometimes I still can't believe that this is the path we've taken. Definitely an unplanned trip. But, usually those are the best ones!

I just had to share this picture...aren't they so cute, so focused doing their "work"?!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Did you have a room for use as homeschool? I like the idea of teach my girls at home but I don't know what to do?

So glad everything is fine and your journey for homeschooling is going great.

Enjoy the weekend.