Family pic

Family pic

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our First Field Trip

We went on our first field trip of our homeschool year. It was "Homeschool Day" at Latta Plantation. I went with my girlfriend (since the 3rd grade) and her 3 children. Two mothers, 6 children (3 of them still in diapers), one mini van, 6 hours....and *surprise* we had a wonderful time! The big kids enjoyed learning about life on the plantation in the early 19th century including cotton picking, bee keeping, wood chopping, fire starting, and candle making. The younger kids mostly enjoyed the animals.


Susan said...

Looks like lots of fun. Sidney went last year with her second grade class and loved it. Madison will go this year and I am hoping to chaperone that field trip.

farmersdaughter4ever said...

that last picture is awesome! you need to blow that one up and frame it! Yea for the 1st fieldtrip being awesome!...see you tomorrow!