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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

In Shock

Boy, do I have something to blog about! Sometimes, I feel like my posts are random and rambling. This one may be rambling because my brain feels like scrambled eggs, but it is definately "blog-worthy". Okay, are you ready...

here it comes...

I'm pregnant AGAIN! I know, shocking isn't it? We could not have been more surprised. Justin actually asked the midwife if it is possible to get a refund on the birth control pills. For those of you that know Justin I'm sure this doesn't surprise you, but the whole pregnant thing has to. He was not even sure he wanted to have another child. I knew I did, but I did not plan for it to happen so soon! 14 month age difference?! Oh well, God's plan is better than our plan. That's what we keep telling eachother. My mind has been racing with all of the thoughts of preparing for a new baby physically, emotionally, financially. But I just try to keep in mind that although this wasn't my plan, it was His Plan.

I recently read a devotional written by Marybeth Whalen, one of my fellow members of Momtourage (a book study group that I am part of and have been sooo blessed by) and it really spoke to me and my situation at this moment. The devotional focuses on the story about Mary and her response to the shock of her life. When the angel delivered the news that she would give birth to God's son, although she was "confused and disturbed" she responded "May it be to me as you have said" (Luke 1:38). Marybeth wrote that "the first step to embracing every season is to let go of our own expectations" and that whatever the situation we should "trust that the Lord is sovereign and He ordained for you to be where you are at this time, for His purpose". Wow. There are so many nuggets of truth and helpful information in that devotional...I hope you'll check it out! I am appreciating the Christmas story from a different perspective this year and taking a lesson from Mary's life that a person's character is revealed by her response to the unexpected. I'm praying that I can trust in the Lord with the faith that Mary did as I am dealing with my own shocking news.

Here's the ultrasound picture of "our little peanut" who is due to arrive July 19th!


dawn said...

you know i have been soooo excited for you all --- despite the laughing so has jamil, in his guy like way! everything is going to be just fine- i am here for you every step of the way!! i am glad you made the big announcement through your blog - now i don't have to keep it a secret anymore!

4torock said...

I know it may seem overwhelming but you are such an awesome momma and I am just excited more and more people are catching up to me! ( maybe I need to work on Jeremy for one more??? LOL Ha I KNOW what his look would be!!) CONGRATS to you and your fam- what a wonderful blessing!! :)
Love ya

Marybeth Whalen said...

Hey-- thanks for including what I wrote in your big announcement... now I feel doubly worse that I had not checked your blog in time to know your big news before Momtourage. I am humbled to know something I wrote helped you maintain perspective... yet another example of me needing to read my own words more often!! I want you to know you will get through this, and you will be all the better for it.

Lynn Savell said...

Congrats! i know what it feels like to have a blessing you didn't count on, on the way. henry is only 8 months older than aliyah and it was a confusing and very worrisome at first, thinking oh my goodness, i'm going to have 2 babies at once. but the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, and you will have the support of this mom who has been there.