The circumstances surrounding his birth were something that I could not have predicted. On Wednesday afternoon, Anderson began vomiting around 2:30p.m. After picking Anagrace up from preschool, she, too, began vomiting. By the time Justin arrived home from work, we had two very sick children. And about an hour later, my water broke! My mother and mother-in-law came to the rescue to care for the kids, while we rushed to the hospital. I was so upset! The situation at the house was so stressful, that I didn't realize how strong or close my contractions were until we were in the car on the way to the hospital. I was 3cm by the time we checked in at 7:30p.m. The labor went fast; six hours later we were holding our precious baby!
And five hours later, Justin was vomiting. He had to go home to get well. I definately did not want Ashton or myself to get the stomach bug. It was an interesting experience being in the hospital by myself. Justin was able to return on Friday afternoon. Luckily, the stomach bug was a quick one. Everyone was feeling much better by the time we came home on Saturday.
The days since then have been a blur. I am not getting much sleep at night. Justin is staying at home this week, so he has been caring for Anagrace and Anderson during the day so that I can attempt to rest. He told me that he plans to double my salary!
Anagrace and Anderson, so far, seem to be adjusting well to another sibling. Anagrace talks sweetly to him and wants to put him in all of the baby gear (swing, pack-n-play, bouncer) or hold him. Anderson is intrigued by him. He will just walk over and stare at him or softly touch him on his head, toes and fingers. The past few days have definately been interesting and I'm sure the days to come will be as well. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to blog about it, though!