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Family pic

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Just thought I'd share....

I just bid on a pair of vintage cowboy boots on ebay. I am planning to wear them with a cute sundress (yet to be found) to the Rascal Flatts concert in August. Funny story about how we got those tickets. I was surfing the internet while Justin was napping on the couch one afternoon. I came across the tickets really cheap. I poked him in the arm and asked him if it was okay to buy them. He asked "how much are they?" and after I told him he said "yes". By his response, I assumed he was awake. Nope, he was talking to me in his sleep. He did not even remember the conversation until days later when I brought up my excitement about the concert! I had a good laugh about that one. Now, he's laughing at me bidding on the boots. All I have to say is "boots were made for walking"...."keep laughing, mister!".


Jenny said...

Have fun at the concert and I'm sure you will look super cute in those boots and sundress!!

Patti's Chat said...

Hahah! I love that story about the Rascal Flatts tickets. That'll teach him for takin' a nap in the middle of the afternoon huh? Too cute!