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Family pic

Friday, February 13, 2009

Just Wondering...

...why the past few weeks I have had to beg and coax Anderson to eat a meal, but all on his own he chooses to eat cat food and dog food?

...why I have had a bad hair week and the day I plan to call to schedule an appointment my hair looks pretty good?

...why Anagrace and Anderson only care about a toy/crayons/book when the other one has it? 3 small children can make so much noise? (And be especially loud if I am trying to talk on the phone. )

...why I can't get Ashton to sleep through the night...or even for more than 4 hours? long will this spring-like weather stick around?

...what to cook for dinner?

Got any answers?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a break; I say order dinner and have it delivered.

Kathy Butryn said...

I wish I did have the answers! Those are questions moms around the world ask each and every day. You brought a smile to my face...and a memory to my heart on some of them (my kids are past the crayon stage)...thanks for the post!

Susan said...

Wish I could give you answers to your questions, but I tend to wonder the same things....

Stop by my blog, I have a bloggy award for you.

Hope you are having a good day!

Lynn Savell said...

I have found that no matter how old a child is they need something as soon as you get on the phone, and it doesn't matter how old they are. Henry and Aliyah fight over the most interesting things. I'll be praying that next week is better for you!